Tuesday, July 6, 2010

To live well, be an Environmental friendly advocate

Giving importance to our mother land, means knowing how to value her worth.   However with today’s technology, this seems to be coming surreal.   With the state-of-the-art lifestyle that we have, everything seems to be functioning by a snap.  We want to do things through short cuts.  We take advantage of our high-end earth facilities.  Instant defines what life is all about in today’s era.  But taking good care of our beloved terrain is the best thing we could do for ourselves.  Yes, valuing our Mother Nature does good to our well-being.  By taking care of our surroundings, keeping our environment pristine and clean, and caring for our most treasured haven with no holds barred can make our home round smiling—benefiting not just our beloved planet earth but also the residents of it as well—we.   A healthy environment provides every person a healthy living.  Know some tips to become the environment-advocates of the world:

Recycle.  As much as possible if we could reuse a certain thrown materials, please let us do.  Make it a habit to recycle reusable items before deciding to throw it totally in the waste can.   As they say you can get gold from someone’s trashes.  This is very much true especially when these materials are can be reusable.  With this strategy we are able to maximize earth’s precious possessions.

Eat green.  Getting organic can help us retain the optimal purity of our ecosystem.  Once we become a veggie lover, we are helping ourselves to keep away from series of illnesses that can occur from eating fouls or munching on other chemically manufactured foods.   Eating fresh fruits and vegetables promote a healthy lifestyle and encourage an eco-friendly environment.  Learning to appreciate our earth’s prized assets –fruits, veggies, and the likes –paves the way to a good, sanitized life.

  Run hybrid.  When transporting, instead of riding in a gas-fueled wheels, why not settle for a hybrid ride?!  Yes this is a fantastic approach in building a greener future.  Sharp car skills and powerful commonsense will help you get into the fast lane of a hybrid lifestyle.  It may be quite expensive but paying the bills is nothing to compare to the lucrative effect that will do on our environment when we learn to patronize hybrid than the old classic gas vehicles.

Save water.  This maybe the profound earth’s gift for us but this can bring the biggest breakdown for humanity when it is not taken cared of well.  Try not to waste water supply especially when it is potable, otherwise famine will strike us due to its scarcity brought by our negligence.  Water has the possibility to run dry when left neglected.  When we save water, we save life.

When we take care of our planet we take care of our lives as well.  We are responsible in our natural world’s welfare because this provide us the air and possess the heartbeat we need to have for us to live.


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